Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How To Maximize Your Productivity In 4 Simple Ways

It's almost been a month of the new year and everyone has been working hard to maintain their New Year's Resolutions. One of the goals I set for myself (at the start of the new school year) was to stop procrastinating and be more productive. Last year was the first year we had a quick, unlimited connection to the Internet, and let me tell you something; It killed my school life (how I managed to maintain the second highest grade of my year is still a mystery to me). So far, I've been doing good; I can set apart the time for watching an episode/scrolling through Tumblr and for studying, and I have found some ways to be extra productive. My productivity level has gone sky-high, so I decided to share my tips with you.

Use The Pomodoro Technique

My History notes were all over the place before Christmas break, so I decided to rewrite them throughout the break. At first, one chapter took me one full hour, which meant that after three chapters I was completely burnt out. Considering I had to copy 12 chapters it wasn't ideal. My study-buddy Jasmine introduced me to the Pomodoro technique- study for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. It's litteraly magic. I reduced my time for a chapter from 1 hour to 25 minutes. This is aproximately 2.5 times faster. And I didn't do anything super pushy. I just felt obligated to fully complete a task in those 25 minutes, that I didn't allow myself to get distracted. I recommend you try it.

There are Pomdoro apps both on Android and iOS.

Get Shit Done!

I know what you're thinking; Wow much help Anna! But you misunderstood. "Get Shit Done" is an Android app (unfortunately there isn't one for iOS) which I find very motivating. Basically, you put in a task (and you can break it in subtasks as well) and you set a time limit in which you have to accomplish the subtasks. There are also modes in which you can use the app,The "coward" mode (it isn't really what it says, but there is some cussing in the app), the tough mode and the superawesome mode.

  • The "coward" mode: Unlimited breaks
  • The tough mode: You get to go on breaks when you earn them (recommended)
  • Superawesome mode: Breaks are for cowards, you don't need them.
 Also, you can set yourself punishments and rewards, in order to get extra motivated.

Clean Your Workspace

Whether it be the floor, your kitchen's table or a fancy IKEA desk, if your workspace is cluttered, your mind is as well. I will not go in much detail, but there are three basic steps in order to make your workspace fully functional
  1. Clean Up
  2. Organize
  3. Personalize
I don't want this section to take up the whole post, because I have many tips on all three of these (maybe a seperate post at some point? That would be cool) but, I will send you to some of my favourite websites, to get some inspiration and tips.

Desk Organisation Tips
How To Declutter Your Desk
2 Organizing Tips That Will Change Your Clutter Forever

Wake Up Early

And if you do, don't stay in bed until it is lunchtime (I am so guilty of doing this). I set my alarm at 8 am to study (in the weekends) and I end up getting too distracted by YouTube (I am pointing at you Lilly) and get up to study at midday. Don't fall in this trap. You're missing out on important sleep, you should at least be productive at that time. Also, fix your sleeping schedule. If you can't sleep at night, find what's bothering you (for me, that was knowing that I don't put my 100% in my studies) and solve it. Don't stay up all night trying to catch up on a series (Reign and Legend Of Korra this is your turn), and don't wake up at 4 pm. Waking up late will result in sleeping late which then will again result in waking pu late. That's why it's called a sleeping circle, anything that happens affects everything else.

How do you fight procrastination and maximize producivity? Let me know in the comments below.


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