Friday, January 16, 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

photo credit: pinterest

I know, I am kind of late on the whole resolutions thing, considering it has been 17 days since 2015 introduced itself to us, but here are my New Year's Resolutions!
  1. I will eat healthily
  2. I won't force myself not to eat
  3. I'll stop crying over men (fictional characters and Marc Bartra excluded)
  4. I'll go to the gym at least 3 times a week (I was actually doing pretty well with this one until I strained my ankle on Thursday)
  5. I'll study for 2 hours per day (not really happening yet, but I hope it does)
  6. I will live in the moment
but, most importantly

I will love myself just the way I am

Let me know what your New Year's resolutions are :)


P.S. Pretty small post, but I had some amazing ideas for blog posts, and
because of my injury, I can't take photos (I can barely walk) so they'll have to wait :(

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